GCCOA - August 2021 Newsletter

August 2021, Vol. XXII, No. 2

Time To Be Together

These last few months have been filled with some pretty amazing moments and we are excited for what lies ahead. Our care managers continue to schedule long overdue visits with seniors and caregivers we have known for quite a long time, as well as those brand new to the Council. Telephone calls and e-mails are ‘effective’, but the positive impact of talking with someone in person far outweighs that of any call or electronic contact. And of course smiles are much more contagious when seen!

We reported last month that the Council, along with the senior centers and other organizations, had been adding in-person programs and activities to their schedules. As a follow-up, we are pleased to report that impressive numbers of people are taking part in fitness, wellness, educational and social activities and sharing, without hesitation, how pleased they are to be together with new and longtime friends. 

Even with the return of in-person activities, the limitless virtual offerings are a great fit for many. Not all of us are interested in or able to participate in-person, so we encourage you to pursue or continue to take advantage of the many creative and convenient virtual opportunities. And for those who may be restricted to home, as well as not enamored with the online world, your Council may be able to match you with a volunteer to regularly call you for conversation or to come to your home every month or more often for some one-on-one ‘together time’.

The enthusiasm around planning for and coming together has been tremendous. We have seen first hand what some researchers have tried to document for decades — we are social beings who not only need one another, but thrive when we are together. 

Speaking of being together, we also want to give a shout out for the Council’s JamFest! Last Year’s virtual JamFest was terrific, but nothing like the in-person version. The newsletter insert includes the JamFest flyer, which we hope you will take notice of and consider passing on to friends and co-workers. The JamFest has all the makings of a great time, with live music, tasty refreshments, homemade treats and creations to check out and possibly buy, the chance to cheer on four of our local leaders and some good-natured folks as they compete in the Cloud Races, and of course the entertaining live Homemade Treats Auction where you have a chance to bid on a favorite pie, cake or comfort food—all for a great cause. We would love to see you there!

Click here for a printable flyer!

Community Survey
Facebook Challenge

Greene County Community Survey

Thank you to those who have completed and returned the community survey mailed in late June to 3,000 Greene County seniors. As of the typing of this newsletter, Scripps Gerontology Center has received just about half of the surveys. Reminder postcards have been mailed and a second packet will be mailed by August 10th to anyone who has not yet sent in their survey. This portion of the survey is scheduled to close out in early September. 

The Council’s September newsletter will include information for those not involved in the initial sample survey but who would like to participate. This information will provide the link to the web version as well as how to request that a printed survey be mailed. Completing the survey is not for the faint of heart, as it takes about 40 minutes to complete. But the input is invaluable and will be taken into account by many organizations and municipalities, in addition to the Council, to prepare and plan for the future.

Staying connected is an ongoing challenge for the Council and most organizations. The greatest source of connection has not changed over the last 21 years—word of mouth. But not everyone knows someone who knows something at just the right time we need to know it! 

Your Council connects through this newsletter, which goes to more than 7,000 addresses. We also work with area newspapers, local radio stations, and other newsletters such as those distributed by senior centers and municipalities. But we also rely on the online world, including our own website and Facebook page. Our website is updated monthly and we use Facebook for frequent sharing of information, alerts, upcoming programs, and fun bits to inspire and brighten your day.

We invite you to Like and Follow the Council on Facebook, and if you have already done this—thank you! We also ask you to share our posts and invite others to our page. Over the next six weeks we encourage you to Like, Follow, Share, and Comment to let us know you are there and to help bring others on board. We will randomly draw a Follower’s name on September 20th and present this individual with a $50 gift card to Panera.

It's My Money, My Stuff, and My Life!
Memory Loss, Dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease

This popular estate planning program returns this fall for 4 weeks. The sessions will be held in the Xenia Community Center on Tuesdays from 6 pm to 8:30 pm starting September 28th. The cost is $40 per household. This includes a binder with all program materials and a box supper each week. Space is limited and reservations are required. For information or a registration form, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A discussion on memory loss, the types of dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease, and exploration of things to consider as a caregiver. Wednesday Sept 15 from 2:30 - 4:30pm in our Xenia office. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Legal Chat In Person
Grief Support Group

Our next Legal Chat will be Thursday August 19 from 2:30—3:30 at Peace Lutheran Church in Beavercreek. Attorney Dave Cusack will discuss Common Mistakes in Estate Planning. Registration is required by Monday August 16. Information will be emailed to those already on the e-mail list in early August. For a reservation or more information This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A support group can be helpful when dealing with grief. The Grief Support Group meets on the 2nd Monday of the month from 10am until noon at the Peace Lutheran Church (lower level) in Beavercreek. This group is facilitated by Council care managers. For more information, contact Maureen at the Council (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 937-376-5486 x123)

Healthy U Workshop

The Healthy U Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshop is a free, six-week workshop to help participants develop healthier habits. It will be held at the Xenia Community Center on Thursday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:30pm, starting on September 2nd through October 7th. Covid-19 precautions will be in place. Participants must register in advance. Contact Jeff at 937-376-5486 ext 112 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Medicare 101

For those turning 65 in the next 3 to 6 months, the Council presents a brief overview of Medicare Benefits every other month at our office in Xenia. Learn the options you have as a Medicare beneficiary, the process and timing for signing up, and what you can expect in your first year and subsequent open enrollment periods. The next session will be Wednesday August 11 from 3:00pm—4:30pm. Space is limited and reservations are required. To register or for more information, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Internet Safety
The Internet is a huge source of information and means of communication. However, not all of the information or people online are trustworthy. Click here for an informational sheet about internet safety.

Newsletter Schedule
For the past year and more, while many of us stayed home in response to the pandemic, your Council used every opportunity to stay in touch with you. This newsletter was sent out every month, to hopefully brighten your mailbox. Starting in October we will return to the bi-monthly schedule with the October-November issue. 

GCCOA Board of Directors

New board officers were elected for 2021—2022. We thank them for their leadership and service.

President ~ Rebecca Shelley
Vice-President ~ Barbara Vandecreek
Treasurer ~ Denny Sargent
Secretary ~ Sherry Matsel

Donor Spotlight

Please join us in thanking these generous donors who shared time, talents, or financial gifts since the last newsletter.

In Memory Of:
antosh Gorowara
Lyle Lockwood
Elwin Young

Vernon & Gretchen Best
Kathy Haller
Mary Hamer
Jeanette Johannes
Carolyn Klaus
Edward Martin
Lauren Myers
Beavercreek Pizza Dive

Pat Beal
Lynn Berry
Vernon & Gretchen Best II
Stacie Davis Family
Leah Donohue
Barb Hawk
Rika Hendrickson
Alforetta Hughes
Anita Kuntz
Massie Family
Christine Middleton
Sherry Newcomer
Megan Randall
Priscilla Stephens
Lisa Weinstein
Barb Werth
Dee Willis

~ Important Info ~

To ensure you receive information and alerts, sign up for our various mailing lists, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and like us on Facebook.

For more information on any of these events, or to make a reservation, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or 937-376-5486.

◊ Medicare 101, for those thinking of retiring
      Wednesday, August 11th, 3pm—4:30pm, GCCOA Office. Reservations required

◊ 2021 JamFest: The Place to Bee ~ August 18th, 4-6:30pm, Xenia Community Center.

◊ Weekly Programming with our Partners at Real Roots Radio, WBZI FM 100.3:
     Boomers and Beyond on Wednesdays around 12:05 pm
     Partners in Caregiving on Thursdays soon after 6:00 pm

◊ Grief Support Group ~ 2nd Monday (August 9th), 10am—12pm
     Peace Lutheran Church, 3530 Dayton-Xenia Rd, Beavercreek

◊ Online Caregiver Support Group ~  3rd Tuesday @ 2:30pm

◊ In-Person Caregiver, Parkinson’s & Kinship Support Groups ~ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

◊ Regular Updates and Information Posts on the Council’s Facebook Page and website

 Please continue to be on alert regarding the various COVID-19 scams. 
For more COVID-19 information, please go to www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/ 
or coronavirus.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/covid-19/home

We have several mailing lists tailored to specific interests, from special events to educational programs, and more. Click here to select which mailings you receive.

Greene County Council on Aging
Committed to Seniors and Caregivers

Our mission: To promote independence and quality of life for Greene County senior citizens and caregivers by facilitating and supporting the development, implementation and continual improvement of a comprehensive and coordinated system of contact and care.
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