Dayton Dragons Digital PlayBall! – Win a Hunter Greene Jersey!

The Dayton Dragons wish to extend safe and well-wishes to you, your family, your employees/coworkers, and the entire Dayton community.

While there are still many unknowns besides the start date of the season, the length of the season, the number of home games to be played, etc. – and things seem to be changing by the hour/day... THERE IS SOME GOOD NEWS!

We’ve been hard at work creating a digital version of the Dragons PlayBall! game program that is being released today! It’s got some fun baseball content that should help pass the time until we can get together again for a Dragons game.

Each issue will be located at and have clickable technology. There are some fun posters you can download and print! In addition, there is a contest for fans to enter to win an autographed Hunter Greene jersey and $50 to the Dragons Den team store (HINT: Be sure to look for the link to enter at the bottom of the webpage and on a page of the digital playball).

To go direct to the digital Dragons PlayBall program – Issue 1, please visit this link:

We can’t wait to host everyone again and celebrate a return to Dragons baseball at Day Air Ballpark!

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